Jamaican curried goat is divine, and it must be Jamaican curry, and added water must be tricked very slowly down the side of very hot, cast iron Dutch oven and simmered quite a while. I was fortunate enough to have a Jamaican neighbor show me the trick. And to my American compatriots, sweet potatoes are not yams.
Throw in dill relish and it's Thousand Island dressing. I worked in a restaurant making it.
A chicken or cheese sandwich or Southern coleslaw (acv, no sugar) is about the only time I will use mayo, very sparingly. And it's gotta be Texas Pete, copious amounts.
It's in everything, along with plenty of salt and cancer causing dyes and artificial flavoring. Even our locally sourced, home farm based meats and vegetables are laden with chemicals and virtually zero nutritional value because hardly anyone let's soil lie fallow, and doesn't use a tin of Miracle Grow and weed killer. I'm my specific area, you can't even find chicken feed that's nutritious for the birds and almost no one free-ranges. The closest you'll find in my area are a pig that's given table scraps in addition to feed, and no one knows what's in either chicken or hog feed, unless it's cracked corn, and well... You get it.
Yank here. Most of us were raised on American Exceptionalism which has been pounded into our head since birth, for a few generations. There's no point arguing this, because murica...
I've never had a decent American beer. PBR is the closest to decent I've ever had.
They clearly never had soul food or Gullah/Geechee food.
After the "Quiet on Set" drop, and Nickelodeon not being nearly as wealthy, anon probably has a good point about Jessica Rabbit.
I agree, but stomping it just seemed so brutal. Hence the proper trap. I need to clean it off and put peanut butter on it.
Apparently they can get themselves off certain glue traps. I worried when I caught one I had in the kitchen as a bug deterrent (I had a very sloppy housemate for a short while) whether I should kill it outright or let it starve to death ( which was more humane, stomping it ir show starvation outside?) When I looked, it was gone, trap was there. I set a proper trap with a goat milk cream cheese spread on it and it hasn't touched it. Maybe it's the garlic...
You're right. They know what they're doing, like every bully knows. They simply don't care, because "fu, I can take this, so I am taking it."
We'll you're arguing with Americans where "left" barely means "center" or "right ~~but not far right.~~" * See also the DK effect.