Not everything is so Black & White ;)
The rare combo of "this is neither something you should call back about, nor will I call again...but it is urgent."
Good point, I did not expect the Guardians of the Galaxy series to be a funny sitcom at its core but here we are.
Yeah, this is when I start getting weird, Hot Fuzz "for the greater good" vibes. Like, I wouldn't burn an American flag, but I also would never condone this weird "you must like it here" attitude. Fuckin creepy.
Hey, you make a lot of great points and thanks for the perspective and depth of engagement. I think "paying vendors for services you don't want to run internally" is exactly outsourcing. With the ubiquity of big cloud services though, I hesitate to call that outsourcing even though it fits that definition. Maybe cause that's more about the hardware than the people, I dunno. I checked real quick and seems like they do have their own data centers but use AWS and others as well around the world.
I think I may have a different default definition of outsourcing than others though after working tech support in the US for bigger companies through other smaller outsourced companies in the US. A lot of people probably assumed I meant overseas as in outsourced tech support to India. I agree with your scaling estimates and most everything else you said. Someone's gotta design dem summer sale logos too though lol. Cheers.
Steam is available in over two hundred countries and you think 100 employees is enough to manage that? To do the account support, billing support, vendor support, user content moderation, technical support, hardware partnerships, server management, platform development, legal compliance, business development, web development, database management, HR, accounting...etc in multiple regions and in every respective language? One employee per every two countries?! Figure it out.
Steam claims they're available in over two hundred countries. Do you really think that one employee for every two countries is enough?
I'm sure it's past your time now, but if we raise awareness, perhaps we can save one person together...
Naw I didn't mean that, but hell yeah let's be here anyway. To me, technically the joke is that none of us probably bother to put in our real birth month and date when Steam asks us to verify our age before viewing the next game suggestion in our discovery queue or wherever; just spin that wheel for the year lol. But the wording you pointed out is the only tipoff that it's what I'm talking about, over-explaining would have made it boring, and if I go too subtle, then nobody gets it. I was genuinely thanking ye for the noticing the deliberate wording and I hope you got a chuckle :D
Glad you noticed that lol, it's really the make or break part of the joke.
"But I know no matter what the waitress brings, I should drink it and always be full. Yeah, my cup it will always be full." -John Popper, Blues Traveler Song: Run Around