I always wondered how bragging about how long you worked was considered by some as a good thing.
Somebody invented "Employee of the Month" and our competitive habits took over.
I always wondered how bragging about how long you worked was considered by some as a good thing.
Somebody invented "Employee of the Month" and our competitive habits took over.
So fucking annoyed at the taskbar overflow shit in Windows now. I don't want it hiding any of my system tray icons...I want to see what's running and I don't care how it looks. Every time certain apps update themselves, I have to go in again and select that particular app to hide itself with no way to tell Windows to just stop trying to hide system tray icons altogether. I've told it to hide Discord and the Xbox app probably 20 times each now and it conveniently forgets my decision every app update.
Probably a witch, and we would normally burn them...but burning a witch who is wise in the ways of Thermodynamics is like shooting marsh water at a swamp monster.
I believe that should be 10 to the 4th power at the end there.
takes off nerd glasses
Choices you can make before you sell a game called "Sex with Hitler."
This sounds like giant flying cigar cutters to me.
If you'd ever taken any advanced math, you'd see that the answer is 1 all day. The implicit multiplication is done before the division because anyone taking advanced math would see 2(1+2) as a term that must be resolved first. The answer still lies in the ambiguity of the way the problem is written though. If the author used fractions instead of that stupid division symbol, there would be no ambiguity. It's either 6/2 x 3 = 9 or [6/(2x3)] = 1. Comment formatting aside, if someone put 6 in the numerator, and then did or did NOT put all the rest in the denominator underneath a horizontal bar, it would be obvious.
TL;DR It's still a formatting issue, but 9 is definitely not the clear and only answer.
Alright, so I'm studying to be a counselor, and one of the methods they taught us about using with little kids was called sand tray therapy. It's where you put toys/dolls/objects in a small sandbox and ask the kids to tell a story with them. The idea is that they might not have the right words yet, but they can communicate ideas and emotions more easily in pretend play. Anyway, they show us a video of this little girl setting up a doll for her dad, her dad's new girlfriend, and herself. The therapist asks her what would the scene be like if it were perfect....the little girl flicks her finger to knock the new girlfriend face down in the sand and walks off holding her dad's hand; leaving the new girlfriend behind. And in that moment, I understood the power of sand tray therapy.
President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."
Burritos are closed on the ends, my Mexican food-challenged amigo.