I don't know why people are down voting you just because they don't like the government. The FTC legally fought this every step of the way: https://www.ftc.gov/legal-library/browse/cases-proceedings/2210077-microsoftactivision-blizzard-matter
Run them in Bottle, then disable internet access for the games.
No, flathub has the latest version (0.95), as you can see on the project's Github page (0.95): https://github.com/neovim/neovim/releases
I had numerous problems with Wayland when I had an NVIDIA video card. Since I switched to an AMD video card, it has been a blissful experience. Wayland now works perfectly.
Oh my! The eyes are atrocious.
Misleading Title!!!
In an interview with Norges Bank Investment Management, the Sony CEO talked about where he sees the future of gaming for PlayStation going in both the short and near term.
“It will be ubiquitous,” Yoshida said. “Wherever there is computing, users will be able to play their favorite games seamlessly. Why PlayStation will remain our core product [is] we will expand our gaming experiences to PC, mobile, and cloud.”
The EU really is a force to be reckoned with. Long live the EU.
I'm curious, how did it nuke your bios?
I currently use Akregator. Which one do you prefer?
Every time a customer buys a printer, it's an investment for us. We are investing in that customer, and if that customer doesn't print enough or doesn't use our supplies, it's a bad investment.
Brother, for the love of anything holy, please do not follow HP's path.
I'm not new to Lemmy. I was just venting my frustrating against this attitude.