Everyone who downvoted you is a pervert and is trying to deny the fact they're ashamed of themself.
Thanks for educating us. I guess we can safely say that milk drinking was considered acceptable by our ancestors due to their terrible desperation, much as cannibalism among stranded sailors is excusable.
Pops did it
They know you paid for a cow to be raped, anon. They know you're a nasty carnist
Language is alive! IT'S ALIIIIIIVE!
No. I said it was a weird compliment and I meant it. It's weird to call this movie theatre guy a moral n*rcissist. He doesn't act like one at all!
Yes, it's his. You're noticing me using his homophobia. None of it is coming from me, I'm just speaking in his language and letting him draw his own conclusions about the subjective value of what I assert
I agree with what I think you're trying to say, which is that moral narcissism is good, but I don't think moral n*rcissists are smug assholes. I think they're people with a pathological need to improve and treat others with kindness.
That's a really weird compliment
So your argument is that if an animal does it, it's ethical? Then you must support murder.