I’d rather not have robot bees. I’ve seen hated in the nation (black mirror episode).
I’ve only used genAI once, to re-write my resume. (And I played with image generation to sort of see what it can do and be a muse for me because I’m aphantasic, but I was wiiiiiildly disappointed.)
It spit out something less good than what I fed into it, hallucinated a ton of skills and experience I don’t have, and it looked like AI slop when it was done. So a lose-lose.
Might be good for people who don’t know things or who can’t write for shit (so your average first year college student, IME) but.. honestly it’s garbage if you aren’t average or below already. So I’m not surprised it’s ruining people’s ability to function.
Ai is a tool for dumb people (sorry. not sorry.) to land good jobs that dumb people shouldn’t hold or be hiring for, and that’s about it.
What do battle passes even do? Is that the same thing as “season pass” things in other games (not that I know what those do either tbh)?
I never pay for, and thus don’t look at, any game stuff that’s not included, so I’m totally ootl on this one.
I had a similar training selling stuff for a remodeling company.
I quit on the second day of training. It felt gross, and I told them I was really uncomfortable with their tactics and that’s 100% why I was quitting..
I also don’t watch tv and go out of my way to avoid ads :) pihole on the network, Plex and physical media for media needs.