
joined 1 year ago
[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 2 points 11 hours ago

That's wechat, and this confusion made it really difficult to find the right info on the web... Most search results were linking to the Chinese thing, uhhg !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 13 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (3 children)

Helle there ! It's still Saturday here :p !

I recently setup weechat (IRC) and learned about bouncers. From what I understand it's similar to a proxy but with backlogging IRC conversation. I'm still new to it and have a lot a new things to learn.

I'm thinking to self-host my personal bouncer on some cheap VPS.

Other than that was busy with encoding with av1an and encode my bluray library to AV1 codec :).

I also recently self-hosted metube (yt-dlp web frontend) to download some music from RiMusic. Still need to work on a shortcut with HTTPS shortcut on Android !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 4 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

As another user said, Dark reader extension for your browser.

For programs, if you are on Linux, you can changes the theme depending if it's GTK based or Qt apps. It's very customizable ! (Linux FTW).

If you're on Windows... You're probably fucked !!

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml -1 points 4 days ago

Welcome to the dark side ! Once you have seen it, you can't unseen it ! White will always be to bright and your eyes will cry blood on every screen/webpage that doesn't have a dark mode !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml -1 points 4 days ago

Yeah, vote with your wallet !! This has way more impact than those stupid presidential ballot! Good call staying behind your belief for so long !!!

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

A few years back there was some kind of url trick where you could directly download every file with some string manipulation... But that doesn't work anymore and there isn't any new hack/workaround to bypass paywalled files.

My guess would be that there isn't any kind of "hack" floating arround anymore, cause it involves the site's security measure and would leave a very bad image of DeviantArt if the creators only way to market their art has some loophole to get freestuff.

Your best chance is either someone who paid/share the stuff you're a looking for or someone who has the technical skills to do what you're looking for without leaving a trace.

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I was in the same boat... I just wanted a simple god damn self-hosted cloudStorage without any nitty gritty or all the bloat that comes with most local/self-hosted cloud solution...

Syncthing is good, but not really a cloud storage solution (I love syncthing and I use It to sync all my backups !!).

Give SFTPGo a try :) It also has a WebDAV functionality if you wan't to use it that way ! It just plain file storage with security features. However, not sure there are any application available, I mostly used it as web application :).

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (3 children)

Mostly phishing or link redirects. But the PDF in itself is harmless. Or Am I wrong here? Is it possible to install malware just by opening a PDF file?

My guess would be no... Because there isn't any execution file to install sketchy binaries. This is very different from cracked games in the sense that getting malware from a PDF is more like a user mistake while a crack... You already know you are doing something sketchy and have no idea what it does in the background.

If someone has more details on how PDF can be exploited, except for the classical phishing attack (social engineering) I'm open to learn something new !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago

Hey take your time :) Don't worry even if you forget, you did more than enough to help some random on the web ! 2 other users came up with a plain/bare bone regex solution if you want to have a look and maybe there's something you can learn out of it? (I doubt it xD).

Plain sed regex (https://lemmy.ml/post/25346014/16453351)

sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

Plain Pearl regex (https://lemmy.ml/post/25346014/16453161)

perl -pe 's/\[[^]]+\]\((?!https?)[^#]*#\K[^)]+(?=\))/lc $&=~s:%20|\d\K\.(?=\d):-:gr/ge'

Nonetheless, I really prefere your solution because as someone else said I will have an easier time to change a script I "understand". Soo thanks again !

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Thank you ! It does actually ticks every use case (for my files) looks pretty rad !

This might work, but I think it is best to not tinker further if you already have a working script (especially one that you understand and can modify further if needed).

I totally agree but I will keep your regex as reference, in the near future I will give it a try to decompose you regex as learning process but it looks rather very complex !

Another user came up with the following solution:

sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

Just as a little experiment, If you want to spend some time and give me a answer, what do you think? It's a another way to achieve the same kind of results but they are significantly different. I know there a thousand ways to achieve the same results but I'm kinda curious how it looks from an experts eyes :).

Thanks again for your help and the time you took to write up a complex regex for my use case ! 👍

[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Hello :) Sorry to pin you, I just gave pandoc a try but it doesn't work and I had to dig a bit further into the web to find out why !

Links to Headings with Spaces are not specified by CommonMark and each tool implement a different approach... Most replace space with hyphens other use URL encoding (%20). So even though pandoc looks awesome it doesn't work for my use case (or did i miss something? Feel free to comment).

You can give it a try on https://pandoc.org/try/ with commonmark to gfm:

[Just a test](#Just a test)
[Just a link](https://mylink/%20with%20space.com)
[External link](Readme.md#JUST%20a%20test)
[Link with numbers](readme.md#1.3%20this%20is%20another%20test)
[Link with numbers](Another%20file%20to%20readme.md#1.3%20this%20is%20another%20test)

If you prefere a cli version:

pandoc --from=commonmark_x --to=gfm+gfm_auto_identifiers "/home/user/Documents/test.md" -o "pandoc_test.md"
[–] N0x0n@lemmy.ml 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wow ! Thank you ! It did a rapid test on a test-file.md

[Just a test](#just-a-test)
[Just a link](https://mylink/%20with%20space.com)
[External link](readme.md#just-a-test)
[Link with numbers](readme.md#1-3-this-is-another-test)
[Link with numbers](Another%20file%20to%20readme.md#1-3-this-is-another-test)

Great job ! Thank you very much !!! I'm really impressed what someone with proper knowledge can do ! However, I really do not want to mess around with your regex... This will only call for disaster xD ! I will keep preciously your regex and annotated file in my knowledge base, I'm sure some time in the future I will come back to it and try to break it down as learning process.

Thank you very much !!! 👍



My question was very badly written but the new title reflect the actual question. Thanks to 3 very friendly and dedicated users (@harsh3466 @tuna @learnbyexample) I was able to find a solution for my files, so thank you guys !!!

For those who will randomly come across this post here are 3 possible ways to achieve the desired results.

Solution 1 (https://lemmy.ml/post/25346014/16383487)

#! /bin/bash

mdlinks="$(grep -Po ']\((?!https).*\)' "$files")"
mdlinks2="$(grep -Po '#.*' <<<$mdlinks)"

while IFS= read -r line; do
	#Converts 1.2 to 1-2 (For a third level heading needs to add a supplementary [0-9]) 
	dashlink="$(echo "$line" | sed -r 's|(.+[0-9]+)\.([0-9]+.+\))|\1-\2|')"
	sed -i "s/$line/${dashlink}/" "$files"

	#Puts everything to lowercase after a hashtag
	lowercaselink="$(echo "$dashlink" | sed -r 's|#.+\)|\L&|')"
	sed -i "s/$dashlink/${lowercaselink}/" "$files"

	#Removes spaces (%20) from markdown links after a hashtag
	spacelink="$(echo "$lowercaselink" | sed 's|%20|-|g')"
	sed -i "s/$lowercaselink/${spacelink}/" "$files"

done <<<"$mdlinks2"

Solution 2 (https://lemmy.ml/post/25346014/16453351)

sed -E ':l;s/(\[[^]]*\]\()([^)#]*#[^)]*\))/\1\n\2/;Te;H;g;s/\n//;s/\n.*//;x;s/.*\n//;/^https?:/!{:h;s/^([^#]*#[^)]*)(%20|\.)([^)]*\))/\1-\3/;th;s/(#[^)]*\))/\L\1/;};tl;:e;H;z;x;s/\n//;'

Solution 3 (https://lemmy.ml/post/25346014/16453161)

perl -pe 's/\[[^]]+\]\((?!https?)[^#]*#\K[^)]+(?=\))/lc $&=~s:%20|\d\K\.(?=\d):-:gr/ge'

Relevant links


Hi everyone !

I'm in need for some assistance for string manipulation with sed and regex. I tried a whole day to trial & error and look around the web to find a solution however it's way over my capabilities and maybe here are some sed/regex gurus who are willing to give me a helping hand !

With everything I gathered around the web, It seems it's rather a complicated regex and sed substitution, here we go !

What Am I trying to achieve?

I have a lot of markdown guides I want to host on a self-hosted forgejo based git markdown. However the classic markdown links are not the same as one github/forgejo...

Convert the following string:

[Some text](#Header%20Linking%20MARKDOWN.md)


[Some text](#header-linking-markdown.md)

As you can see those are the following requirement:

  • Pattern: [Some text](#link%20to%20header.md)
  • Only edit what's between parentheses
  • Replace space (%20) with -
  • Everything as lowercase
  • Links are sometimes in nested parentheses
    • e.g. (look here [Some text](#link%20to%20header.md))
  • Do not change a line that begins with https (external links)

While everything is probably a bit complex as a whole the trickiest part is probably the nested parentheses :/

What I tried

The furthest I got was the following:

sed -Ei 's|\(([^\)]+)\)|\L&|g' test3.md #make everything between parentheses lowercase

sed -i '/https/ ! s/%20/-/g' test3.md #change every %20 occurrence to -

These sed/regx substitution are what I put together while roaming the web, but it has a lot a flaws and doesn't work with nested parentheses. Also this would change every %20 occurrence in the file.

The closest solution I found on stackoverflow looks similar but wasn't able to fit to my needs. Actually my lack of regex/sed understanding makes it impossible to adapt to my requirements.

I would appreciate any help even if a change of tool is needed, however I'm more into a learning processes, so a script or CLI alternative is very appreciated :) actually any help is appreciated :D !

Thanks in advance.


Hello :)

There isn't any community about note taking where I could post my question and no this is not a "What's the best note taking app" question...

I'm getting tired of maintaining my Obsidian vaults... Somehow I'm fighting to get it right and obsidian seems to fight back. I've got 4 vaults of the same subject and I always end to make a mess out of it and make a fresh one... Also my notes a scattered in all direction and the more my knowledge base grows the less I seem to be able to find something...

This is probably a me problem rather than Obsidian issue. The way I'm taking notes are not compatible with Obsidian. IMO Obsidian's defaults configuration are bad and visually not appealing. Sure customization in Obsidian is "endless" but digging in the HTML code to change the style or adding plugins to somehow get something visually appealing seems more like a chore than actually taking notes.

Here I'm again roaming the web for a Note taking app the could fit my needs and after trying a lot of different apps (please don't suggest the already well known apps... I have probably already tried it...) I couldn't find something that fits my workflow.

The only one that looked great and simple was osmosnote but it isn't maintained anymore. There's also dendron but it's in maintenance mode. So there goes the only ones that looked promising from my perspective.

After giving it more thoughts, I was looking for something that could:

  • Keep my scripts updated
  • Simple markdown text
  • No database
  • Local first
  • Open source
  • If webapp self-hostable
  • Back-linking
  • Keep track of changes

Except for back-linking, a self-hosted Forgejo with git seems to fit all my needs, however I'm not sure if this is the right tool and I'm scared that in the long run I will mess it up the same way I did with Obsidian.

Does anyone here has some experience and is taking notes that way? I'm really curious on your experience and maybe your thoughts if it's feasible ? Practical ?

Please don't suggest Org.mode or Emacs ! They look very cool and very promising but they are WAY to much overkill ! And they also implement a totally new way of taking notes... Relearning on how to take notes will probably give me the last hit on abandoning to document anything !

Thank you for any helpful input !


cross-posted from: https://lemmy.ml/post/23615167

For better visibility I cross-post my question in this community.

Heyha ! I just came across a very odd issue/bug that somehow resolved by itself without knowing who or what was the culprit.

For context, YouTube doing his thing making nearly all public instances obsolete, I'm self-hosting a Piped instance in my homelab via Docker.

Everything is going smoothly, self-signed certs, traefik, accessible via Wireguard outside of my network, and and and !! LibreTube connects without any issues to my Piped instance on my Android phone and so does RiMusic.

However, in RiMusic when I was trying to access my synced Piped playlists, RiMusic went crazy and my playlist seemed to be in a query loop were I was unable to play any songs and was flickering alot.

  • Reboot the phone => Same behavior
  • Reboot the piped instance => Same behavior
  • Uninstall RiMusic/New docker piped instance => Same behavior
  • Flush everything from cache/playlist/configuration/data... => Same behavior

Nothing seems to resolve the issue software wise, next step check the logs (Interesting part):

My piped-nginx showed A HUGE amount of requests coming from my phone when accessing a Piped playlist:

"GET /playlists/d0e2c698-f3f4-435f-b2c9-96c6d3a88781 HTTP/1.1" 200 4161 "-" "ktor-client" "10.XXX.XXX.XXX"

Traefik also showed a lot of loadbalacing debug notifications something that never happens, because I'm the only user in my homelab setup !

My first though was that this is probably a RiMusic bug, but before reporting a report to GitHub, I did other debugging stuff.

  • Create an account and connect to a public piped instance
  • Create playlist/add some songs
  • Connect with RiMusic

The exact same behavior EXCEPT it stopped the loop after a few requests and made RiMusic usable again and was able to play my playlist without issues. Try again on my own instance but again, infinite loop, a lot of requests on Traefik and Piped-nginx. It even broke my Piped instance...

The only logical explanation is that the public piped instances have some request rate limiting (Yeah I know this is common practice and even mandatory on public instances). So here I go rate limiting my own requests to see if this could work as a temporary workaround while writing a GitHub bug report to RiMusic.

Adding some basic traefik labels just to give it a try:

  - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-ratelimit.ratelimit.average=10"
  - "traefik.http.middlewares.test-ratelimit.ratelimit.burst=20"

At first nothing happened but after a few docker compose -f down/up I was able to access my playlist from my own instance without any issues/bug/strangeness. Cool It works? So just out of curiosity I commented out the new traefik middelwares and restarted both container (Traefik/Piped). And .... RiMusic playlist connected to my piped instance works without the ratelimite lines... Wait what ??

What just happend ? I have absolutely no idea... I don't even know if the mentioned labels did anything... But everything works... No loading loop, No Traefik container overflown with loadblancer logs, No Piped-nginx with thousand request... It just vanished as it never existed in the first place.

I'm totally clueless except that somehow when accessing a playlist in private or public piped instance with RiMusic my phone went crazy with an infinite loop of api requests (Dunno if that's the correct term :/). Here Am I with no idea what actually happend...

And yes my phone is Heavely debloated and firewalled (Magisk,rethinkDNS) so those are not unknown requests from the web or any open source application, whats so ever !

Sorry for the long write up I hope It's readable and comprehensible. I just wanted to share my experience with you and If you also encountered some strange and inexplicable bug/issue that resolved by itself, feel free to share :).

PS: If someone has any good lead on what happened or some good insight where I should look next to get more out of this experience, I'm open to every good read !

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by N0x0n@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

TIL something new... My hate for MacOS took over common logic. 2.8GB, 3 seconds file transfer on USB was to beautiful to be true. After some further investigation and hints from @JonnyRobbie@lemmy.world @nanook@friendica.eskimo.com I learned that Linux writes to cache before writing it to the device, to see whats happening in the background: sync & watch -n 1 grep -e Dirty: /proc/meminfo.

Still, the transfer speed on Linux was slightly faster than on MacOS. My rant was unjustified, It just my fault for being clueless on some more advanced Linux stuff. But I learned something new today, so this post was actually helpful !

Howerver, I still hate MacOS and will probably give Asahi remix a try.

Thanks to everyone !

Hey guys ! I'm getting tired/bored of MacOS' shenanigans... Yesterday was the last drop that make me think of trying an alternative.

While trying to upload a 2.8 GB file over to an USB-C stick it took like 8 minutes? Okay that's "good" enough if you only do it from time to time... But 25 files takes literally 1h30min... Are we in 2001?

I mean the exact same 2.8GB file, with the exact same USB-C stick took FU***** 3 seconds on Linux !!

Ohh and don't think I didn't tried to "fix" the issue, after a long search on the web I came across a lot of people having similar issues that aren't fixed since 2 major updates? With a total radio silence from the shiny poisonous Apple...

Among other things I tried:

  • Disable Spotlight indexing sudo mdutil -a -i off
  • Reformat the USB stick from Mac
  • All available filesystem FAT32, exFAT...(yes even MacOS native APFS)
  • Another USB stick
  • ....

Enough is enough. I was willing to learn their way of thinking for my personal experience and somehow always got my way around to reproduce what I learned on Linux to Mac. But now that there is an alternative OS, I think I'm ready to get back home.

So does anyone here already gave Asahi Remix a try? If so what was your experience with it?

I read their FAQ and most of their documentation and it seems good enough for daily drive (except for some quirks here and there) but I wanted to hear from people who already made the jump and how was their personal feeling.

PS: I got that MacOS for my birthday from a family member with good intentions. That wasn't a personal choice. While I'm more than happy and thankful for the gift, I totally hate it more and more... Especially because MOST of my self-hosted services, applications, scripts, are open source.


Hi everyone :).

Just getting started with Manjaro as daily drive to get some easier arched based distro. Except for the LVM bug with calamares everything is pretty smooth :).

But at first boot, I saw they have added their personal Manjaro logo on boot and I directly though of the bug exploit logoFAIL I heard a few month ago and It made me curious if this is something that could be exploitable by Manjaro.

Probably not, this would harm their image and hard worked system, but I'm still curious... If someone smarter/more knowledgeable than me could chime in and give some valuable information on this topic regarding Manjaro, I would really appreciate it !

Thank you !

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by N0x0n@lemmy.ml to c/homelab@lemmy.ml

Hi everyone :)

It's time to switch and give my home network a proper minimal hardware upgrade. Right now everything is managed by my ISP's AIO firewall/router combo. Which works okayish, but I'm already doing some firewall/dns/VPN stuff on my minimal spare laptop server to bypass most of my ISP's restrictions. So it's time to get a little bit "crazy" !

While I do have some "power user" knowledge regarding Linux/server/selfhosted services/networking, I'm a bit clueless hardware wise, specially regarding my ISP's 2.5G ethernet port.

I do have a 5giga connection from my Internet provider (Obtic fiber) which is divided into 4 ethernet ports (Eth1 2.5G, Eth2 1G, Eth3 1G, Eth4 0,500G or something in that range). And right now the Eth1 port is connected through an old 1G switch.

  1. To take full advantage of my ISP's 2.5G ethernet port do I need a router AND a switch capable of 2.5G througput ? Or only the router and the switch is going to divid it accordingly between all connected devices on a 1G switch?

I'm also looking for some recommendation/personal experience for a router and a switch with a budget of 250e.

First I was interested into a BananaPI as a router, to tinker a bit, but it seems a bit of a hassle to flash it with OpenWRT, then I found an interesting post on Lemmy talking about the Intel N100 Celeron N5105, which looks like more what I'm looking for but I'm not sure ?

  1. I have no idea what's the best bet, a SBC (bananapi mini, orange pi, raspberry pi...) a fully fleged router (like TP-Link AX1800 and flash it with opensense/openwrt) or an Intel N100 Celeron N5105 Soft Router ?

The capabilities I'm looking for:

  • VLAN capable
  • AP VLAN capabable to segment wifi
  • Taking advantage of my ISP's 2.5G ethernet port
  • Firewall customization capabilities

I have an eye on a managed switch I found on amazon (SODOLA 6 Port 2.5G Web Managed) but I have no idea how reliable they are, I have never heard of SODOLA.

  1. Any good recommendation I should look at for a managed switch that would work great with the same capabilities above?

  2. Probably last question, is regarding wifi APs. Is it possible to make an access point from my router even tough it hasn't atennas? If I connect an access point directly to my router, will it be capable of giving away wifi connection?

Thanks for reading though, I'm a bit unsure how I should spend my money to have a minimal but reliable/capable homelab setup. Every advice is welcome. But keep in mind, I want to keep it minimal, a good enough routing capbability with intermediate firewall customisation. I'm already hosting a few containers with a spare laptop and the traffic isn't going to be to crazy.


Hi everyone !

Right now I can't decide wich one is the most versatile and fit my personal needs, so I'm looking into your personal experience with each one of them, if you mind sharing your experience.

It's mostly for secure shared volumes containing ebooks and media storage/files on my home network. Adding some security into the mix even tough I actually don't need it (mostly for learning process).

More precisely how difficult is the NFS configuration with kerberos? Is it actually useful? Never used kerberos and have no idea how it works, so it's a very much new tech on my side.

I would really apreciate some indepth personal experience and why you would considere one over another !

Thank you !

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by N0x0n@lemmy.ml to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Hello !

Getting a bit annoyed with permission issues with samba and sshfs. If someone could give me some input on how to find an other more elegant and secure way to share a folder path owned by root, I would really appreciate it !


  • The following folder path is owned by root (docker volume):


  • The child folders are owned by the user server


  • The user server is in the sudoers file
  • Server is in the docker groupe
  • fuse.confhas the user_allow_other uncommented

Mount point with sshfs

sudo sshfs server@ /home/user/folder -o allow_other

Permission denied

Things I tried

  • Adding other options like gid 0,27,1000 uid 0,27,1000 default_permissions...
  • Finding my way through stackoverflow, unix.stackexchange...

Solution I found

  1. Making a bind mount from the root owned path to a new path owned by server

sudo mount --bind /var/lib/docker/volumes/syncthing_data/_data/folder /home/server/folder

  1. Mount point with sshfs

sshfs server@ /home/user/folder


While the above solution works, It overcomplicates my setup and adds an unecessary mount point to my laptop and fstab.

Isn't there a more elegant solution to work directly with the user server (which has root access) to mount the folder with sshfs directly even if the folder path is owned by root?

I mean the user has root access so something like:

sshfs server@ /home/user/folder -o allow_other should work even if the first part of the path is owned by root.

Changing owner/permission of the path recursively is out of question !

Thank you for your insights !


Hello again :)

I'm not talking about a broken wg connection, everything works as expect through the CLI and systemctl.

But the NetworkManger GUI in Gnome shows my Wireguard connection as it was "not connected" and when I click on the switch it actually disconnects my wg interface.

Also when I try to edit my connection through

nmcli connection modify wg0 connection.autoconnect yes

and restart my wireguard connection with

systemctl restart wg-quick@wg0

It recreates a new wireguard interface.

While everything works as expected with the usual tools (wg-quick, systemctl...) the GUI seems "broken".

Someone else noticed or is this somehow related to my setup?

Debian 12 bookworm
nmcli tools 1.42.4


After interesting/insightful inputs from different users, here are the takeaways:

  • It doesn't have some critical or dangerous impact or implications when extracted
  • It contains the tared parent folder (see below for some neat tricks)
  • It only overwrites the owner/permission if ./ itself is included in the tar file as a directory.
  • Tarbombs are specially crafted tar archives with absolute paths / (by default (GNU) tar strips absolute paths and will throw a warning except if used with a special option –absolute-names or -P)
  • Interesting read: Path-traversal vulnerability (../)

Some neat trick I learned from the post

Temporarily created subshell with its own environment:

Let’s say you’re in the home directory that’s called /home/joe. You could go something like:

> (cd bin && pwd) && pwd


Exclude parent folder and ./ ./file from tar

There are probably a lot of different ways to achieve that expected goal:

(cd mydir/ && tar -czvf mydir.tgz *)

find mydir/ -printf "%P\n" | tar -czf mytar.tgz --no-recursion -C mydir/ -T - source

~~The absolute path could overwrite my directory structure (tarbomb) source Will overwrite permission/owner to the current directory if extracted. source~~

I'm sorry if my question wasn't clear enough, I'm really doing my best to be as comprehensible as possible :/

Hi everyone !

I'm playing a bit around with tar to understand how it works under the hood. While poking around and searching through the web I couldn't find an actual answer, on what are the implication of ./ and ./file structure in the tar archive.

Output 1

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f -printf "%P\n" | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar1/testbackup1.tgz -C ./testar -T -
> tar tf tar1/testbackup1.tgz 

My test folder.txt

Output 2

sudo find ./testar -maxdepth 1 -type d,f  | sudo tar -czvf ./xtractar/tar2/testbackup2.tgz -C ./testar -T -
>tar tf tar2/testbackup2.tgz

./testar/My test folder.txt
./testar/My test folder.txt

The outputs are clearly different and if I extract them both the only difference I see is that the second outputs the parent folder. But reading here and here this is not a good solution? But nobody actually says why?

Has anyone a good explanation why the second way is bad practice? Or not recommended?

Thank you :)


Hello everyone !

I have no idea if I’m in the right community, because it’s a mix of hardware and some light code/command to extract the power consumption out of my old laptop. I need some assistance and if someone way more intelligent than me could check the code and give feedback :)

Important infos

  • 12 year old ASUS N76 laptop
  • Bare bone server running Debian 12
  • No battery (died long time ago)

Because I have no battery connected to my laptop It's impossible to use tools like lm-sensors, powerstat, powertop to output the wattage. But from the following ressource I can estimate the power based on the Energy.

declare T0=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)); sleep $time; declare T1=($(sudo cat /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj))
for i in "${!T0[@]}"; do echo - | awk "{printf \"%.1f W\", $((${T1[i]}-${T0[i]})) / $time / 1e6 }" ; done

While It effectively outputs something, I'm not sure if I can rely on that to estimate the power consumption and if the code is actually correct? :/

Thanks :).


My goal is to calculate the power drawn from my laptop without any electric appliance (maybe a worded my question/title wrong?). While It could be easily done with the top package or lm-sensors, this only work by measuring the battery discharge, which in my case is impossible because my laptop is directly connected to the outlet with his power cord (battery died years ago).

I dug a bit further through the web and found someone who asked the same question on superuser.com. While this gives a different reference point, nobody actually could answer the question.

This seems a bit harder than I though and is actually related to the /sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj files and though someone could give me a bit more details on how this works and what the output actually shows.

This is also related to the power capping framework in the linux kernel? And as per the documentation this is representing the CPU packages current energy counter in micro joules.

So I came a bit closer in understanding how it works and what it does, even tough I’m still not sure what am I actually looking at :\ .


Hi everyone :)

I'm slowly getting used on how to navigate and edit things in the terminal without leaving the keyboard and arrow keys. I'm getting faster and It improved my workflow in the terminal (Yeahhii).

ctrl + a e f b u k ...
alt + f b d ...

But yesterday I had such a bad experience while editing a backup bash script with nano. It took me like an hour to completely edit small changes like a caveman and always broke the editor when I used memory reflex terminal shortcuts.

This really pissed me... I know nano also has minimal/limited shortcuts but having to memorize and switch between different one for different purpose seems like a waste of time.

I think I tried emacs a few month ago but It didn't clicked. I didn't spend enough time though, tried it for a few minutes and deleted it afterwards. Maybe I should give it a second try?

I also gave Vim a try, but that session is still open and can't exit (😂 )! Vim seems rather to complex for my workflow, I'm just a self-taught poweruser making his way through linux. Am I wrong?

Isn't there something more "universal" ? That works everywhere I go the same? Something portable, so I can use it everywhere I go?

I'm very interested in everyone's thought, insight, personal experience and tip/tricks to avoid what happened yesterday !

Thanks !

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