Well do you at least remember DviX?
Well I'm mostly joking but with a database you could have more than just keywords. You could tag them with any attributes (date, dominant colours, themes, size, etc etc).
That's a good first step, but the obvious solution is to build a meme database with attributes, keywords, etc.
Spirited away is more about over-consumption and modern greed I'd say.
Depending on your requirements (e.g. are you planning on camping in hardcore places or just regular spots in fair weather), you could get not only the tent but all the rest of the camping gear as well for that price.
Fuck yeah the kid's got a future in the vallée du Rhône.
I know it's Japan inspired but I never went there (might do soon), it reminded me of the islands around Hong Kong though.
Suite a la réalisation que j'étais devenu obèse par définition, je suis sur un régime sec, je traque toutes mes calories etc. C'est super compliqué, il a vraiment fallu que je me penche sur la question et que j'étudie pour tout comprendre et mettre mon petit système en place, j'en suis a comme 6 appli pour tout faire tourner (ça inclus montre et balance intelligente etc). Je dois régulièrement googler pour voir si tels aliments sont mieux etc. Je pèse mes portions et je vérifie minutieusement tout ce que je mets dans mon tracking avec les infos nutritionnelles des produits.
Les infos sont très bien présente, je vis pas en France mais dans un autre pays européen donc je pense que les panneaux d'info doivent être similaire mais on a pas le système scoré vert/rouge.
Je pense que ce serait vachement bien de l'avoir, parce que clairement tout le monde ne va pas faire ce que je suis en train de faire parce que c'est un gros effort, un affichage simplifié peut toucher plus de monde.
I need the tech to get way further before I seriously consider it. Give me proper AR in glasses that aren't significantly larger than the ones on my face right now and I'll be listening intently.
On the VR front I still also haven't found productive uses, I just don't need it for work and while I did think some of the games were fun not enough to justify getting one when I can already game on Xbox or PC...
I mean you can say whatever you want I can't believe that thing can run a video editor with 4k+ footage.
Wow the quality on this one is really good, even zooming in. Even the food on the table, nothing is "scrambled" etc, impressed.
That's quite possible haha.