
joined 1 week ago
[–] 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Out of interest, is theme development also the same / similar? I own a small agency and we now use Flynt as our base for bulds which is very much reliant on Timber and ACF. I have been developing on WordPress since its initial inception and reading the classic press overview, it sounds like bliss / it literally has stripped out every single annoyance I have with WP and I'm super interested in having a stab with it.......

[–] 0 points 2 days ago

I have have made it to the wrong side of 40 without ever owning a Facebook account. Neither do I use watts app or instagram or X.

I have loathed social media from day one and always been of the opinion, anyone I actually care about or want to hear from I’m in touch with.

Don’t get me wrong, work groups / activities I do outside of work that I’m involved with curse me because I won’t join their groups, but alas, I have lasted this long and don’t see me caving in now :)