It's often the military's own flowed down certification requirements that result in significantly higher costs
Sounds like Qualcomm finally got a taste of FAFO
That's how some people found it, but it would disappear when someone would login to investigate.
Let's make sure no single player games work either as well as our new disc-free console for real pros.
Both great games but held back by their launch platform.
It's been a long time since 11-11-11.
I used to see threads like this on reddit where people would defend the act by claiming it keeps people employed. Anyone who has worked in retail knows otherwise, but it doesn't stop these neanderthals from existing and making their bullshit toxic arguments.
Even phones have been available with more than 8 gigs of ram for ~5 years
It's really sad that this needs to be an actual headline.
I'm really excited about how great KDE has become in recent years. It was getting scary back when KDE4 had lots of problems and gnome3 was devoid of all functionality. Nowadays KDE makes the Linux desktop truly a pleasure to use.
Are they still storing passwords in plaintext?