They were here pretty recently, their food is still here. It was cruel that we extincted them.
Those are made of human.
Okay, so conservative and revisionist, but not imperialist. Maybe imperial-adjacent. Thanks for the deets.
Ah, so he protected them from being prosecuted or something?
My understanding is the murder's family was ruined by donating to the church. The murderer wrote.that.he planned to kill the church leader,.but changed.his mine cause Abe was more famous and would get more attention. I don't think there is evidence that the murderers motivations were political, but I could be wrong. Happen to have a source?
I don't know what this means.
I wouldn't call him imperialist either. I think he was a pretty decent leader for Japan. He wasn't murdered for his politics, but because of his religious affiliation.
Why was he imperialist?
Yeah, I had heard that too and eventually looked up the research paper and it's bs, lil. It's pretty much an academic paper just saying maybe they do and someone should look into it... No actual results. Not the paper fault - media spinned it.
Read the whole paper though. It has percentages. Just sayin
I read it, it's from 2013
For the record, people claim that cat purring cures things (heals bones, for example). This is not true. There is a published academic paper claiming it, I read it, tldr it's total garbage.
Who's we?
They'll probably stay in zoos or preserves.