You seem to underestimate the gang problem. I was in Ilobasco a few years ago and my family that lives there urged me not to go outside past 7pm because I can be a target or even kidnapped. Like wtf why do the gangs get to dictate curfew in 2017? Past nightfall you have to turn the lights off so people in the streets can't peek into your house through the metal guard rails on all the windows. It was eye opening to say the least. Since Nuevas Ideas I have only heard good things and good changes to the area from my family. There were so many people associated to the gangs that I have little sympathy for those 'innocently accused'. I would rather a few loosely incorporated get caught than let the gangs do what they want freely.
Bukele and his government is nothing like Trumps. He doesn't want El Salvador to use USD as the standard currency, that's it..
I'm a little naive about how this works but how does buying and selling unlisted securities work? What does it mean to get unlisted stock? If someone was given stock as a perk but was fired what happens to the stock? I've never worked at a startup so I don't know how that works..
No it's someone who shops at target openly
They should have banned it years ago when the thought of data security came into question. Tik Tok is brain poison, more than regular internet dosage. It's cocomelon for adolescents.
Let me try sending you something
Edit: I got error 413 that I don't have that functionality. Don't you see it can never be.
Join and you would be golden
I can't upload any image so I'm way ahead of you
This whole article is so petty. Journalism am I right