It really puzzles me that many people in this thread that don't know to what degrees an authoritarian country censors their dada, never lived in one, and can't read their language, somehow think giving your personal information to that one is better. Being able to discuss such things is already a privilege. If your bag has to be searched twice a day just to be able to commute, I thought you will at least feel uncomfortable.
Looks like where your heart truly belong is Mao's China or Stalin's Russia. You've commented quite a lot of things.
I have to admit, you are right. If there is nothing been stuffed into their minds, most people really don't know what to do with themselves, just like Montag's wife from Fahrenheit 451. But there are differences between actively seek something you interested in than going blank and let the algorithms do the job for you. I thought people in Fediserse mostly against the idea of the latter. Otherwise, you will go to Tiktok or something.
Why, don't you know there's a thing called observation?
I've seen people scrolling on it their whole time on public transportations on materials worse than the worst of TV commercials, like they were in a trance. I know people who using it for at lease an hour every day before bed, and admitting they don't know what they get from it, just boredom. From what I know, it's like brainwashing for people who don't know what to do with their lives.
I treat these people like those who think the Earth is flat. Ordinary foreigners may not be actively followed by someone nowadays. But things like heavy censorship, starvation in certain recent situations, travelling restrictions, they may never experience them in their own country their whole life. Nor did their parents experienced something far, far worse. Those who live to tell the story maybe lucky or unlucky. They never have to tell those things only privately.