Why the fuck dinner is closer to brunch then breakfast or lunch??
Thanks mom. I brought cases to prove my point I'm not saying you should go on a road trip while sleepy.
The technology behind it is proven to save lifes. The reaction time of a full brake to stop a car crash i had the "luck" of experiencing on a Volkswagen was outstanding.
Same thing for the lane assist function if you are sleepy
Because it is generally proven to save lifes. You'll never hear of "thanks for the auto-brake system no one got injured and everything was boring as usual" but it happened a lot (also to me in first person).
I don't like Musk but in general its a good thing to push self driving cars IMO. I drive 2 hours per day and the amount of time where I see retarded people doing retarded stuff at the wheel is crazy.
Yes, but you can rig the screen with a fingernail if you push hard enough. Tested it in store..
I got my mt6000 waiting for me at home i cant wait
Subjective i know: on the outside it's just the model S that can compete to the same design level you get with that kind of money.
BMW at the same price range are better designed for example
Audi? Same
need them
LOL I do nerd em all as well
It all depends if you actually nerd those services 24/7
I dont need DHCP or DNS from 1am to 6am for example
Yeah, the fact that all the pro player switched to joypad was so sad
Me, an italian, i see an underdevelopped species of "coffe" inside a soap dispender and die inside
I hate them both and use neither. But probably I would use edge over chrome if I had to choose