ITT: dudes stroking their cocks with the thought of Linux numbers increasing.
Triforce Heroes
Influence and impact are not interchangeable. I would agree they have some influence (indirect) as they affect their competitors and I purchase products from their competitors. They don't impact (direct) me as I do not use any of their services or products. Apple and I do not have a direct relationship.
That's silly. I own a Samsung phone. Checking email and the weather on it hardly "impacts" my life. Furthermore, you have the option to move to another platform if it bothers you that much. If people don't leave, that indicates their users are willing to tolerate these issues.
The Android OS is a competitor to iOS. Yes, Android is produced by several different manufacturers.
Agreed. I have no love for the company, but this is government overreach. If Apple users/developers have a problem with any of these items, they have the option to choose another platform.
Now, if Apple was literally the only game in town, I would probably feel differently.
Why would he pay people who are stupid enough to work for free? To that point, why would anyone work for free? It's not as if they're being forced to.
To each their own, but Linux makes up 4% of PC OS market share. Can't blame a company for not supporting such a small percentage.
I don't get this. What is the point? Why would anyone care where a billionaire is flying to and from? Just for kicks?
Alternate headline: a quarter of UK parents are lazy and borderline absentee.