Which will still be enough for Linus to prevent NVidia from getting full access to the kernel internals.
It's not a conspiracy. Here's Linus, himself, publicly picking a fight with NVidia. All because of a driver not being open source. I love open source, I love the GPL, but no individual or company should be required to do business that way. It's up to them, as is their right.
I suspect you use them more extensively, than I. Mine are limited usually to the extended acls, which I then use getfacl to generate a dump of all the acls of the files and sub directories I am transferring or 7zipping, and include that file in the transfer or 7z bundle. Then use setfacl to apply all those permissions on the receiving end after everything has been copied or extracted.
I'd like a GUI app for generating CLI's for other GUI apps that don't have them already. An application is never complete unless everything can be done via a CLI and/or API.
Stallman, it's time to get over it.
man -k printf
Search the short descriptions and manual page names for the keyword
printf as regular expression. Print out any matches. Equivalent to
apropos printf.
I appreciate the fruit of NVidia's efforts... But that they were forced into it by a pack of wolves is morally wrong, and those responsible need to be ousted from open source, blacklisted from any IT work forever for needlessly inflicting harm on a company and it's users over a licensing preference.