I could draw a kitten for that kind of money if anyone is interested. At least there are no monthly costs to it.
"Looks like I'm home early, bye"
Especially the last part. Writing a single word into a jira ticket doesn't make it a story, epic or sub task. You're too lazy to specify, that's not what agile is meant to be.
Yes. Mine was tiny.
That was one of those 1 and something inch tiny drives. They were crap
I got mine, moved some songs into it and an hour into listening the drive started clicking and the player was dead. Amazon replaced it and it was exactly the same. I forgot what model it was, but the discs were extremely fragile.
I have decades more experience in being a child and I think it looks stupid.
Time to create an account
DDOS now means distributed distribution of sex, obviously.
Except the mp3 players from Archos, which gave up after setting up. Twice.
Besides taking way less space on the road or while parking, you'll only have to lift your stuff half the way up to the RAM or something like it. I personally like not breaking my back.