Most based Amish dude I've ever heard about.
50 years ago...
This. I'd you don't like the AI presents more men than women as cardiologists because its mirroring society, the problem is not the AI, the problem is the lack of non cis-male representation in real world cardiology.
No no. There's no problem. That's what I'm saying Lol.
Honestly? I've leaked pics of those voluntarily, so curiously I'd be a-okay with this one.
Nobody SHOULD have to explain anything. So it's okay to not do it. but if you're on a date, where you're trying to put yourself out there and establish at least a friendly relationship, you probably want to be cordial and share your thoughts on the matter. Instead of just shutting down mid-date.
This is an actualized response...
I agree with you 100%, but I'd say it's easier than it seems. It does require practice, for sure, but I'd argue that talking like an incel also requires practice. (Lee's assume the fictional guy in the Green text got his practice on 4Chan).
I think the thing is that bro is making a choice; whether that choice is to consciously talk about the things he dislikes in low value females, instead of just himself or what he likes (as you would do in date), or to spend his day on 4Chan, unconsciously practicing and learning how to be more like Andrew Tate.
Either way, the problem is not lack of skill, it's the choice to do nothing or even dig in harder into poor communication skills.
Then comes the lack of appropriate feedback, without judgement, to help them realize that it is them who are turning themselves into "low-value men" if there were to judge themselves by the same measure.
This. She probably wasn't disgusted by the content, but by the form of what he said.
Sounds like they aged up.
Just flop your mouth open and close like a fish.
You have to do this under the full moon of the longest day of summer too. Otherwise it doesn't work.