Same. Reading OPs list was like: "Wait is any of this becoming harder to pirate? At all?" Lol
Yes except AI companies are making mad cheddar.
Man uses crack, has health issues...
This is not the "lol gottem" you think it is bro. I hope you're just trolling. Lol
Something that is open and free was, by definition, made for everyone. Even the robber barons you hate.
Something about this sounds AIsh
Felon cryptobro 100% speed run.
It's the same picture.
So they should have refused and taken the punishment? That I'm sure you know what it is, since you seem so well informed.
Not necessarily. This is what happens when you write poorly. Doctor Who's electric screwdriver is a solve-it-all tool. But it doesn't ruin the stories in each episode because most are well writen.
They shouldn't be handouts, they should be share purchases. You want Uncle Sam to deus ex machina your greedy ass? Sure, but Uncle Sam now owns 40% of the company.
How about you worry about your own feed instead of others'?
It's so over. What ever is the point of living anymore?