Lol. Google en passat
Sounds like she'd be a Rimworld enjoyer
If you read this thread closely, the problem isn't AI, it's capitalism and its extractive design.
You sound privileged.
Sounds like you've failed at monetizing your hobbies tbh
Why would it be open? The whole point is that this is the service they provide.
Easy on the casual racism my dude.
The whole point is most people want simplicity, not a chore.
"Lottery Winners and NFL Players" You mean it works that way often for the 1% of the 1%? Wtf are you even saying? Are you a bot or is chatGPT writing this for you? You don't think that paying more to the 80% of Americans that live PAYCHECK TO PAYCHECK is going to be a good thing for them? Do you really think that not fearing homelessness is actually gonna make them sadder? Lol.
I hope you're trolling and not really so sadly blind to the reality world you live in.
Imagine being so brainwashed by your Robber Baron overlords that you literally think: More money = less money. Sad.
Agreed. I love Warframe and I think they are really good at humane design. But they are not above dailies and gacha mechanics.