"Funner is not a word"
I think I'd be fine with it if they buffed it with everything and had a system that told you how much durability is left that isnt just the weapons' last few hits. It feels way too low for me and is somewhat unpredictable imo.
What if it's a candiru?
I mean, it wasn't like I was expecting the guy who refused to take down a popular softcore CP sub until it got mainstream media attention to be morally upstanding.
Ironically I wouldn't have heard of it if it werent for this, so Streisand effect in action.
As someone who's into a lot of VR stuff, the biggest problem is that it's still a niche market that requires the consumer to be spending a lot on extra hardware in order to play it. Obviously the majority of studios would rather invest in something more people can play and therefore buy, and at most will maybe add a VR mode to their first person game. I've found VR modes and mods for games not initially developed for that sort of hardware to be more engaging and have more substance than most of the ones specifically made for it (and is most of the VR games I play), but being able to play in VR does enhance the experience imo depending on the game.
I had no context when I first saw this image and assumed it was something drug related.
Having a good service that's easily accessible and re-releasing games from older consoles (many of which people have been rallying for) = less of an incentive to pirate them. Obv it will still exist, but it'd be in less of a demand. I almost never pirate PC games since the vast majority of the ones I'm interested in are readily accessible, unless it's from a shitty AAA company like EA.
So instead of making their games more easily accessible and re-releasing old games, which has been proven to reduce piracy and may even be profitable, they just throw money at a lawsuit attacking an emulator?
Dang maybe we should take a fraction of the trillions we spend on the military to fund scientific research, and also health and education while we're at it so we'd get even more potential scientists.
You can get the time if you go to the post and click on the three dots, but it really shouldn't be that much effort.
My go to site which has most of what I'm looking for is still up. So much for that lmao.