What other networks?
It currently recognizes when it is told it is wrong: it is told to apologize to it's conversation partner and to provide a different response. It doesn't need another network to tell it right from wrong. It needs access to the previous sessions where humans gave it that information.
I can see why you would think that, but to see how it actually goes with a human, look at the interaction between a parent and child, or a teacher and student.
"Johnny, what's 2+2?"
"No, Johnny, try again."
"Oh, it's 4."
Turning Johnny into an LLM,nThe next time someone asks, he might not remember 4, but he does remember that "5" consistently gets him a "that's wrong" response. So does "3".
But the only way he knows 5 and 3 gets a negative reaction is by training on his own data, learning from his own mistakes.
He becomes a better and better mimic, which gets him up to about a 5th grade level of intelligence instead of a toddler.