Remember, when Western companies violate privacy that is okay.
When non-Western companies do it, that's bad.
Remember, when Western companies violate privacy that is okay.
When non-Western companies do it, that's bad.
I've been told I'm pretty good with my mouth.
Not everything needs to be bleeding edge. We still use forks and spoons cuz they just work.
I use my hands, even better than forks and spoons.
I imagine everyone said this about video cameras, turns out crime still happens. AI is only as good as the programmers who designed it.
Now, if the AI achieves self-awareness. Let's all hope the AI comes to the conclusion that billionaires are the true root of all evil.
As we all know, bio-warfare is completely not evil.
Who cares about the environment! We have investors to grift! Money to be made!
This sounds awesome! The Black and White series is one of the most requested games on GoG.
Hopefully, the devs can work out some the wonkiness in the orginal.
Burn a ton a cash to become the only major player in the market and the proceed to enshitify as no one else has anywhere to go.
It’s more like we didn’t like pay2win on online games, so they started making it “just cosmetic” in those, and somehow now people think it’s acceptable to have to pay for parts of a game they bought, in every game ever?
Warhammer: Total War really annoyed me on it's DLC. Some the DLC factions were already in the base game. I would be paying to unlock factions that were part of the dev cycle.
I could at least understand it, if the factions were released after the base game.
Grade A delusional thinking.
It's porn. In fact, it's porn all the way down.
I agree. I was being very sarcastic and didn't put the traditional /s.
The US freaked out over TikTok harvesting private data yet barely shrugs at how US companies are routinely harvest private data and sell it.