Yeah, what a horrible headline lol.
It's about Facebook allegedly stopping it's streaming service to keep one of its largest ad revenue customers happy (Netflix), but also that court docs were unsealed in an anti trust suit, and Facebook may have agreements with Spotify and Netflix, to allow them to read users DM's (no idea why that's relevant but yeah, fuck Facebook! Lol)
It's very speculative though and may not be true. Not that it'd surprise me if it were true either though..
๐คท Does anyone here even use Facebook?
It's not so much what their interpretation is of the specific article is, it's more that you might find more information from someone who has info that was left out, or maybe another source that has conflicting information.
Could you show us a few not so biased news sources? I suppose this will also vary wildly by topic. A news outlet might be narrative/propaganda driven on one topic, but not about another.
It's so much mess (through corporate ties or money) to sort through, it's hard to trust any of them anymore