can’t remove a noose around your own neck when you pass out, which leads to you having the ~~best~~ last orgasm you will ever have.
MF at least put it as a ~~strikethrough~~ or EDIT or something so my comment still makes sense.
Bend the knee
are you sure?
If someone smacks you over the head with a bat, is that better or worse if they strike you over the head with a bat?
You come off SSRIs (with or without) tapering and get "The zaps" and tell me that's not addiction.
Source: Guess what I fucking did last year.
Not in Education Employment or Training
they used flat ass dialog popups and fucking comic sans for the text
fuck em. I hope it crashes to zero. I've been boycotting them forever, I hope it dies.
The weird thing is that it had low quality settings to make less powerful pcs be able to run it.
exactly, which is why politics free games like assassins creed and call of duty sell like hotcakes...
wait, Ass cree is a series about political intrigue throughout history and call of duty is about warfare as a result of political goals.
Are you sure people play games to escape politics?
it's a shame he died after the show aired.