I believe you meant x(y+z)=xy+xz.
Actually it should be x(y+z)=(xy+xz), as that's exactly where a lot of people go wrong. They go from 6/2(1+2) to 6/2x3, instead of to 6/(2x3), and thus end up with the wrong answer (cos that flipped the 3 from being in the denominator to being in the numerator. i.e. instead of dividing by 3 they are now multiplying by 3, all because they removed brackets prematurely).
I see you like to use made-up "facts", just like the blog does. Is that the best you can come up with after repeatedly insisting I should read it? (which yes, would've been a huge waste of time, exactly as I said, had I not turned it into a positive use of time by writing a fact check about it. Alleged fake news turns out to be... fake - who would've thought? Oh that's right, me :-) )
So, did you read it now? Or are you a "slow reader" and I need to wait longer for your responses?