Main use is to hit western porn sites. Just be honest and say being horny is banned.
I look forward to seeing Jean Teasdale as the editor and Jim Anchower cruising again.
How could you tell the difference?
Yup. If you are sensitive to a food product you should be aware already of basic products that by definition contain them. Like telling me yogurt is dairy based.
I understand the "slippery slope" issue but what an insane waste of food just over liability and pointing out the obvious.
Yup, keep it in the fridge. I just slice it up into thin patties while I wait for the toast to finish then I put it on the hot toast and it melts quickly.
The problem is when they bring out room temp toast and ice cold patties in restaurants. One thing I do is knead the patties in their wrappers a bit to soften them up.
When making even the slightest expression online treat it like you were working in a sewer running through an insane asylum connected to a prison.
Just make sure you are under 100 lbs and have no baggage.
So basically it is more what twitter was really worth anyway
A society that wants to be a war zone