Further evidence of why you use a dedicated alt for anything even vaguely sketch.
Holy hell there are some great deals on that website! Thanks for the rec, I wouldn't have believed it was real if I just stumbled upon it.
I’ve been wondering why Tesla (or others) doesn’t set up a system where drivers opt-in (no opt-in by default) to sending anonymized driving data to help train the model.
That's exactly how they train the model, but every Tesla is opted in with, to my knowledge, no option to opt out.
I have seen some surprisingly uninformed users on the Internet, but you're definitely up amongst the worst of them.
You know you're on the Internet, right? You can use it to learn things instead of uncritically repeating whatever your favorite talking heads said.
He truly is an idiot. I wish he'd just step down from Tesla. The company has some great ideas, but instead of making them better, he's making everything worse.
Edit: some of the newer cars are being reequipped with radar but it's not being actively utilized because of idiocy.
I've also had mixed results. My 2018 Prius is flawless, not a single false brake in nearly seven years. We recently purchased a Tesla (I know, I know, long story) and we had to turn the braking sensitivity so far down that the feature is now basically useless.
It's actually Steve Huffman, AKA "Spez", and the website Reddit.com.
I do love that so many people on the internet know exactly who you're talking about when you say "greedy little pig boy".
I think more men are aware of the existence of toxic masculinity than before and many of them are trying to get out from under it. A lot of young men still are unsure of how to fit into the world, though, which is how the alt-right snaps them up with easy "answers" to complex problems.
I definitely see a lot more women fighting against traditional gender roles than men. They're killing it, it's really great to see.
Much of my exposure to younger adults is through my work. It definitely attracts more progressive candidates, although nothing like fields such as social work, psychology, etc., so take all of this with a grain of salt. I do work fairly frequently with more traditionally "macho" workers like the trades, and they're starting to reject toxic masculinity simply because it's bad for business.
Hell yeah. My experience may be skewed due to my field, but I've noticed my Gen Z peers are SO much better at critical thinking. If someone asks most of my millennial coworkers to do something, they generally just do it. Ask one of my Gen Z coworkers and they'll usually ask you why, often followed by probing questions to better understand what they're doing. They're full of healthy skepticism.
As a cohort, they're also better at enforcing work/life balance. I've been fighting for employee rights for years but for so long felt like I was alone. Now I'm at home with the newer coworkers who (politely) tell their bosses to fuck off when asked to do extra unpaid work (we're all salaried) or to work outside of their job description.
While many aren't technically advanced - many couldn't build or troubleshoot a broken PC - they are as a group fairly technically capable, having uniformly been raised using technology. Teaching my computer illiterate boss to use Excel is so frustrating that it feels like repeatedly punching myself in the side of the head. Teaching my equally Excel-unskilled, twenty-something coworker the same is a breeze. He has no fucking idea what he's doing, but he picks it right up. He knows how to use a PC, just not how to use Excel in particular. My boss knows neither.
I absolutely love working with them, Gen Z is the best.
I'm shocked and slightly sickened that trollish dipshit is suggesting something I agree with. I think I need a shower now.