Faster to produce, and better quality.
How much of that 11.7% is 35-character class names?
I'm only half joking.
This is the company who took weeks to restore customer backups.
Nous ne sommes pas en démocratie, et on n'y sera jamais en votant tous les cinq ans pour le moins fasciste. Il faudra une révolution armée pour l'obtenir.
La dernière fois que j'ai amené ma vieille voiture au garage, je me suis aperçu après être rentré chez moi que le mécanicien avait laissé un CD de PNL dans l'autoradio. J'ai décidé de faire une bonne action et de ne pas lui rapporter.
Wait until you try NixOS.
Query: "list of item locations in game"
- YouTube
- YouTube
- YouTube
- List of item locations in other game of the series
- YouTube
- YouTube
- IGN (their article is a just bunch of videos)
- Irrelevant SEO bait
Private Browsing, for browsing private parts.
All modules that call a Unix library contain WoW64 thunks to enable calling the 64-bit Unix library from 32-bit PE code. This means that it is possible to run 32-bit Windows applications on a purely 64-bit Unix installation. This is called the new WoW64 mode, as opposed to the old WoW64 mode where 32-bit applications run inside a 32-bit Unix process.
Well, it's out there, but Wine devs can't look at it.
Sure. But this doesn't account for the whole 1000€ difference in price.
So they release the bare minimum and shove every feature in proprietary Play Service blobs?