Taknow that’a a pretty respectable response to get, I can really hear the frustration from the support guy “yeah man I don’t know it’s broken but it’s not our shit I’m sorry”
Not a bad thing honestly, whats nice about high frequencies is lower penetration. More access points, lower power, overall better signal and less interference. Line-of-sight microwave for covering distance.
Fun stuff
Nutty putty
That is all
It doesn’t, they operate as two separate logical systems. You can still access your windows drive from your Linux OS, but you aren’t necessarily running anything off of that drive.
I would personally just reinstall everything on the Linux drive.
Honestly just get a second drive
My local sports bar has a sign that says “free beer tomorrow, false advertising today”
No, because that isn’t Linus’s take.
I think he’s referencing a stream once upon a time where Linus discussed the arguments around streaming and it’s impact on creators, from a creator’s perspective .
But because he uttered something in favor of ads on his videos-which is how they got paid-he’s now considered ultra pro invasive ads by the user above, who professes to not actually watching Linus
Implying many of them are volunteers at all
Honestly Snapchat was fun, but what killed it for me was when it started randomly adding/following users when my account was inactive for a while. So I’d start getting notifications about xyz posting, and I don’t even know who they are
I’m convinced they’re doing this to pad user activity
Writing in AAVE is silly, just like someone from the Deep South including southern drawl in their writing would be, or someone from Boston spelling “car keys” as “kha kees”
African Americans have a weak bias against writing in African American English -> Colleges have weak bias against accepting African Americans as graduate students
Is a bit of a jump. Someone writing in AAVE probably wouldn’t get accepted to college, because written word is supposed to transcend dialects and follow a set of rules to be universally understandable.
In high enough doses, yes