“When employees get to the office, they don’t want to be greeted by a sea of empty desks — they want face-time with their manager and the coworkers..."
Hilarious, Spataro should consider a career in stand-up comedy. Their talents are wasted here.
“When employees get to the office, they don’t want to be greeted by a sea of empty desks — they want face-time with their manager and the coworkers..."
Hilarious, Spataro should consider a career in stand-up comedy. Their talents are wasted here.
Just like internet exploder
...decisions for profit at the expense of everyone else.
-The American Dream™
Can't change the files until you're done seeding.
Peers will ban you and if you're using a private tracker you can get banned on the site.
Most players have features for adjusting the audio during playback. So unless you're serving those files to something limited, I don't see why you need to change them.
Oh that would be nice.
I'd like to see a law in place that forces developers to release whatever is necessary to play every feature of a game after support is ended or when the company ends operations.
Those fingers look a bit big for that keyboard.
That must be a very unfortunate situation where you don't have control of your network for that to be a concern though. in which case I wouldn't expect it to be suitable for a internet facing homelab?
Like I'm struggling to think of scenarios for this.
I suppose you could be trying to setup a homelab on a college network or using someone else's internet connection where you have no input on the matter.
Perhaps, I could see a case for CGNAT like another user mentioned, where the whole town shares an single IP for example. But I'd imagine such a network would offer poor performance.
But in all those scenarios, a VPS is cheaper and you can do everything this service offers and more.
Yeah that's a fair point, much like a VPN I could see this being useful in scenarios where you have limited control over your network.
It's fairly straightforward to do for free with Hurricane Electric. Some home routers even have it built in as an option. https://tunnelbroker.net/
I'm assuming anyone who's playing around with servers is capable of implementing it.
Sounds like fun!
Are you using Firefox?
Can that be scaled? c is still better than rotting cables.