This was a few years ago, so I don't remember the specific theme. However, KDE's default tools for managing themes are poor and a 3rd party tool such as Kvantum is essential for success. Most theme packs expect it and if you try to install them using the vanilla tools they often won't get you what they show in the screenshots on the kde page.
Traditional TV is dead, I was visiting someone who still has it. There was more commercial than show per slot and they had banner ads during the show. I wouldn't even tolerate that crap if you paid me to watch your tv station.
My buddies share their copy. So it's probably just a matter of sharing a session token.
It's been a dream for Pathfinder 2e, would recommend buying it.
Lots of others mentioned tools to remove the junk. Once you've done that it's mostly identical to windows 10.
Just be cautious if you use tools like Microsoft office or Xbox, some of the more zealous tools can break that. Additionally after major updates you may need to apply the fixes again.
If you can avoid the home edition, in favour of the professional edition you'll have more control over your PC.
Since you're familiar with Linux, the new LTS edition of kubuntu is available. I've had a lot of success with using it for my parents and elderly customers. So it might be worth exploring that possibility. I themed it to look like Windows XP for 1 of my customers and he's quite happy with it.
I'll need that explained more if you don't mind.
I thought the whole point of asexual was you're just not interested in sex or anything relevant to that?
I wonder how long until this support Vulkan to be gpu agnostic.
Isn't that why boringSSL was created? I wonder if we'll see corpo forks of openSSH soon
Yeah, imagine buying a car that breaks down in the rain.
Really, did they actually take that feature away. Every executive to touch windows 11 needs fired.
Good, we need to stop supporting products that try to strong arm you into a perpetual subscription.
In my experience, organizations don't change things until after it stops working and not a minute sooner. :(
This is speculation, but were most of them from people who disabled the safety features?