They also released an update that broke dual boot Linux installations. Still feeling that one
This guy is great. He can make anything sound interesting.
Oh cool, last time I was hearing about this they were in dispute over frequencies.
Yeah, this is a bit like vandalizing a library. They are providing a valuable public service, leave them alone.
Last time I checked into that it was all worthless circle jerking
Splatoon is so much better on PC.
Sad but expected. Most people are using either office or one of the free alternatives by now.
I really liked the old assassin creed games but around the time they started scoring your assassinations I started to lose interest it messed with how I felt about my assassinations. Might as well play hitman 47 at that point.
Happy Cake Day
Oh cool! I didn't notice
If you had used the dos version of word it should have been fine
The right to repair is such an obvious good in the world that those opposed to it should be publicly shamed.
Microsoft has largely mitigated this concern by pushing all their fresh updates to the consumers for testing before pushing them to their sensitive business customers.