They are for your instance admin but not the whole fediverse.
What I'm still not sure of is this... When these websites die will the LLMs stagnate with no new data to use for training or will they somehow keep up with new technology and eliminate the need for certain basic questions that would originally have required human input?
the FCC was looking for feedback on the hate of data caps
A Republican lead FCC (Ajit Pai or some other smug fuck) will never mobilize the FCC to curb unfair and unreasonable data caps.
I did computer work in an old hospital and there was a secret bathroom in the basement near the server room but it was terrifying because it was used to store CPR dummies so if you wanted to poop in there you'd have a dozen open mouthed elderly torsos staring at you.
Debian + Containers is definitely the way. Literally so stable it's boring.
I only go in the server room to t-pose in front of the giant air conditioner to cool off.
Facial recognition confirmed he was a criminal and the scanner confirmed he had a gun! Of course we opened fire instantly. How could we have known it was just some guy with a water bottle?
Perfect beautiful lies folks. Everyone knows it.
I can't believe that there are people are out there just raw dogging the Internet with no AdBlock. The advertising is so aggressive and intrusive. I legitimately cannot tolerate using the Internet when 80% of the page is filled with attention grabbing bullshit.
Where else am I going to share the fun stuff I find with StumbleUpon?
Same here. I love DuckDNS but after the third DNS outage taking down all my services I migrated to Cloudflare and haven't had a single problem since.
Instead it is a message to tyrants: The US is for sale, you may loot and pillage as you desire. The law cannot and will not stop you.