( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
More people should try DP.
Reminds me when bioware put out a poll asking if mass effect 3s extended cut met expectations.
Yes.. Yes it did. I expected it to be a bit meh and that's exactly what I got.
"look they love it!"
Selfish? Perhaps you forget why people deleted their content in the first place.
If he is against 1 year olds having abortions, then I guess he is for 1 year olds having babies under certain conditions. Weird fucker.
I once was on the Final Fantasy 14 forums talking about those sneaky ~~Asians~~ Ascians.
Yar har, fiddle de dee!
The Supreme Court of Korea is a joke and just lost any credability it may have once had.
I saw these adds ages ago when they first let me try it out. Immediately reverted. Ill stop using it once it stops working.
He sold 10% to buy twitter. Maybe he shouldn't have made himself legally obligated to buy it?
The Game Theorists
Who? I feel like my algo has me under a rock.
I mean.. you technically can..