Here in Palestine people drive bikes the most in the hottest city, Jericho. It reaches 40 degrees there. An ebike would make you get less hot from exertion. In combination with good urban planning with small streets and trees and buildings creating lots of shade it's workable. It's not sustainable to have air conditioned cars transport people everywhere. This is what living in a hot climate means.
Gnome + pop shell extension. Normal i3 tiling keybinds. All the following bindings include super. w for tabbed layout, f1 for calculator, f2 for Firefox, f3 for nautilus, f4 for settings, f5 for package manager. D for search which I can use like dmenu but much better. Shift+s for screenshot. Shift+q to quit application. I program with in the terminal so I need tiling for keyboard-only use. when I first used i3 I underrated tabbing. It solved nearly all of my problems with tiling.
My problem with Manjaro was that they continually kept their repos behind arch while still depending on the aur and other arch infrastructure. This caused problems like aur packages not being buildable, and software that used the arch debuginfod server being unusable.
You get it. That's exactly what made me write this MR.
xdg-open is one of the most used commands on my system. Video files, movies, pdfs, etc if I want to use the default application to open anything I use it. No need to memorize each application' commands.