I own my computer. But on Windows, it doesn't feel like that...
This is a screenshot of the activity in this community. It looks ok to me...
Yay! 4.8 supports my camera! I can finally stop running darktable nightlies
Digikam. It supports grouping (or stacking as it's called in Lightroom) by filename, so you can auto group RAW and JPG. It has hot keys for flagging rejects/approvals during initial inspections and review, so you can just fly through them.
Photoprism is not suitable as part of a post editing workflow. It's a gallery for displaying and searching your photos after they've been sorted and edited.
I'm just here for the Shadowrun screenshot in the video...
There's a few "Your question here" questions...
I mean, I'll just continue to not use Youtube...
Ours was 5 months ago!
Digikam has really strong tagging, searching and workflow tools. So I import to Digikam, sort by quality, reject/approve and tag in Digikam, and I use it to launch specific photos in to darktable for editing.
I use digiKam as the replacement for Lightrooms photo management tools.
I used darktable as a replacement for Lightroom's photo editing tools.
I use a hosted Photoprism install for making the photos available online, sharing with friends/family etc.
At the moment, fish doesn't know what to do with run0. When that changes, I'll start using it :)