
joined 1 week ago
[–] 2 points 31 minutes ago (1 children)

i just liike it to be simple yep


i like rhythmbox a lot and it's so great to use it as a music player but most of my music files don't even have any metadata it's just "song-name-author.opus" so it's a lot for me which is why i would use vlc instead yea!!! but anyway ummm why does xfce or gnome use rhythmbox??

[–] 17 points 5 days ago (2 children)

i should have googled it first right?? umm thanks a lot!!!!!


i was just wondering because i do talk to my friends most of the time through email and since gmail lets you add mpop and mop3 to email clients i figured it would be an interesting idea to use an email client on the terminal with built in notifications and stuff, thanks so much

[–] 2 points 5 days ago

yep you are right then, actually technically mac os is open... just not all of it!!!


like what if linux still was open source but had a lot of proprietary dependencies and packages and became more popular and therefore proprietary software came to it?? but it still would let you use any desktop environment and there would be a new proprietary desktop environment which was like gnome but easier

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

to me none!! i like ubuntu a lot and specially xubuntu