I'm seeing a lot of uncited claims. If these are just conjecture or opinion you could be clearer on it. If they're not, citing sources is probably a good idea.
Bet they'll patent it, just to make sure nobody can have nice things.
I think the idea of having instances own communities is fundamentally flawed. Discoverability is one of many ways that fucks things up.
Nobody, past, present or future, should listen to this fucking idiot.
Probably not. But from their POV it's at least a competitor, albeit an insignificant one, and pushing too hard to "let people know" is... pretty much spam. They're used to handling spam and have mechanisms in place (fewer now, though. snort.)
yadda yadda didn't read :)
... but no, no, I'm sure the ban was due to the relationship advice. 8)
Yeah, it's a shame how all the tech/games communities is actually ShitAssQuoteUnquoteNewsSource "reporting" on ShitAssCorp being shit.
Even 4chan isn't all Nazis all the time. It does, however, get pretty close sometimes.
For starters they keep making mostly the same game over and over. They're essentially doing the Bethesda shtick except their end results are better. Sticking to stuff that can mostly be made in the same engine as the thing you finished 15 minutes ago is going to shave off a lot of time compared to making a new game.
Of course that's not to shit on incremental improvements or engine reuse or anything. That is just sound thinking as long as the games are good.
"Finally"? Barf.