In my day (today) we would create a test user, install a new WM and try it. I don't get the "install the full distro on a VM just to try a program just a few kbs in size"...
Calibre is Python 100%. What gave you the idea it was Java?
I don't use gmail anymore for some time, but as far as I know, you have to set an "app password" or something like that. Did you set that? Because it won't work with your normal user password.
Also, you could check the logs Vikunja produces to see what the problem is. Is it really a timeout or maybe something else?
And don't mention pineapple and pizza in the same sentence!
I hope not many Italians visit here, because then your inbox would be full of invectives 😁
This is really good.. Just yesterday I had a colleague trying to present something like this in our company and she failed miserably. I'll send her the link to your guide, maybe she'll learn a thing or two.
Kakao (written cacao in Romanian) is used as a pejorative for "shitty": "ești de cacao" - you're shitty.... So I guess we know who they are.
I do too.. I mean I use borg backup + rclone + B2 ... I was asking OP about personal stuff.
how about personal stuff, like photos or scanned documents?
so I had to learn how to copy in the background, then write a script to check and display the progress every few seconds
I hope you learned about terminal multiplexers in the meantime... They make your life much easier in cases like this.
Again, how is it different than installing directly on your machine? Especially when you have a package manager that can rollback the installation?