What? I've used neovim flatpak without issues in Fedora and openSuse...
You have no idea what that would do in Linux. First read some documentation, then decide if you really need it. I guess you can see by the number of people trying to put you on the right path that what you want is not a good idea.
Yes, for sure. Timers are more versatile than what cron jobs can do.
I can't see anywhere that a [Timer] section can be added to a service unit. I tried it and it doesn't work:
Apr 11 13:16:15 computer systemd[2593025]: /home/clmbmb/.config/systemd/user/test.service:10: Unknown section 'Timer'. Ignoring.
The service/script ran as it should, but the Timer section is ignored, as you can see.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into this too.
I don't think so, but I wanted to try systemd timers.
I just read a bit some internet posts and the documentation. I set TimeoutSec=infinity
inside the service and I set the timer to run it now. I'll see if that helps.
Just in case, you are sure that you didn’t just accidentially kill or killall rclone or bash?
No. The process runs at night. Only if my dog started learning Linux and tested something! That makes me wonder...
No, my script doesn't fork and I don't think rclone does that either.
Here's the script (pretty simple):
repos=(fotorepo multirepo persorepo appconfigs)
if pidof -x rclone >/dev/null; then
echo "Process already running"
exit 1
for repo in "${repos[@]}"; do
inidate=$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
/usr/bin/rclone -v --log-file=/backup/borg/logs/${repo}_b2sync_${inidate}.log sync /backup/borg/${repo} b2:${repo}
if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
MSGDATE=$(date +'%d/%m/%y %T')
mesaj="[${MSGDATE}] Upload for ${repo} was successful."
curl -H "Title: B2 Upload" -H "Tags: arrow_double_up" -d "${mesaj}" "${URL}"
#sendmsg "[${MSGDATE}] Upload for <b>${repo}</b> was <b><u>successful</u></b>."
MSGDATE=$(date +'%d/%m/%y %T')
mesaj="[${MSGDATE}] Upload for ${repo} has failed. Check the logs."
curl -H "Title: B2 Upload" -H "Tags: warning" -H "prio:high" -d "${mesaj}" "${URL}"
#sendmsg "[${MSGDATE}] Upload for <b>${repo}</b> has <b><u>failed</u></b>. Check the logs."
enddate=$(date +'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
mv /backup/borg/logs/${repo}_b2sync_${inidate}.log /backup/borg/logs/${repo}_b2sync_${enddate}.log
Description=Run rclone up for b2
they said it's awesome! sway is i3.