If no one else has this issue, it could very well be something unique to my internet connection!
It happens constantly both on my laptop (suse) and my Steam Deck (arch). Same exact behavior. I gave up trying to debug it, and I just keep retrying the update command until the list is empty.
Oh, I see. My work only knows I'm done by when I move my tickets to complete on Jira, so I just leave them as in progress until my due date. I work from home, so I just watch TV or play video games while sitting near my work laptop to respond to emails or chat messages in the meantime.
Imagine trying to control how someone says a word.
Just don't say you're done with your work.
I already finished all my work for the sprint that ends on Tuesday. It's Thursday at noon currently.
My only complaint about flatpak is that updating them fails like 50% of the time for seemingly no reason, and I just have to run the update command over and over until they are all updated.
Thank you! I'll give this another try this weekend!
What lists do you have? They pretty much all came up for me. I tried it again with ublock origin to compare, but none showed up with ublock origin.
I have done that before as well. I had a native game that randomly stopped working after a borked update or something. I downloaded the proton version instead, and it worked perfectly.
How are you closing the program? I don't mean with the X button on the desktop environment. I mean command line programs.