reddit requires you to go out of your way to enable nsfw. tiktok is pretty heavy handed in moderation, but i still get some spam videos of nsfw content
joined 2 years ago
Brevity is the soul of wit
rip sex cards
their tiktok videos are pretty good as it makes fun of the typical tiktok videos, but peak onion may never be reached again
I would seriously fund a kickstarter of former eidos employees to make a spiritual successor
yeah but then you have to play a console without mods or cheap games
try buying a used GPU and game on 1080p monitor and you'll be able to have great graphics without a lot of money
unless this is an extremely long con. I haven't heard of any reports of her cracks being malware. in the case of RE village her crack improved performance vs capcom's DRM.
i thought 2 was much more mechanically rich but this is a dissonance issue with the fun-loving crew that can kill.
luckily you can play the game using non-lethal methods and stealth so it works, but ubisoft wont commit fully.