Mhm interesting, compared to helix it also seems to be available in the debian repositories. But what I don't like is the similar approach as of vim/nvim where you have to configure everything yourself, instead of delivering a wholesome experience with sane defaults like helix editor does. Thanks anyway.
Can somebody explain in essence what the difference between kakoune and helix bindings are? Edit: What I found so far
what is a regular desktop non-workstation??
I also use Debian Testing as a work computer. But I am used to more bleeding edge distros. So if somebody strives for rock solidness, I think default debian stable is even a better choice.
Sane defaults, thank you.
That sounds like an excuse to waste lifetime. A good UI should be what makes or breaks an audio player. If I have to enter text queries to play songs this might work after I configured a script which handles all the shit I want to do OR the UI is in itself easy to use so I don't need to go to that length.
yayja, real nice and elegant tiling window manager for people which are fed up with tedious configuration and manual tiling of e.g. i3wm. Really want to test it for gaming at some point.
What is the appeal, I understand fb2k was the shit back in the days. But nowadays I want a music player with elegant defaults instead of customization?
Biggest gripe with cmus are are the hotkeys, its totally unintuitive and frustrating if you don't use it daily and everywhere. Additional small gripe: no album covers, but thats with most terminal players.
I mean we are using Exchange email accounts at work with thunderbird, would be really lol if emails just get "lost". But yea for sure a problem of Thunderbird. No user nor microsoft problem... ;>
Not written in rust, yuck! ๐