They don't make it easy, but it's not hard either. Flauncher + adb to change the default launcher ftw!
Slackware: nothing, it's perfect just the way it is.
Yes to KDE for windows users. There's nothing wrong with cinnamon. But kde is much more impressive in a "wow! This is all free?" Sort of way. Just today I used both k3b and ktorrent!
I have the version of this controller with the Nintendo button layout. I like it, but steam refuses to see it as anything other than a standard x box controller. I'm sure I could solve that, but I'm lazy and it works well enough as it is.
Soulseek if you don't mind data hoarding.
I have yt premium for the same reason. Toddlers have little patience for ads on their Kindle fire, and they get upset when they click one to buy a luxury watch and can't figure out how to get back to cocomelon.
I actually like the service and feel it's fairly priced. So I don't mind paying for it. I stream yt music all day at work.
It's a direct p2p connection to a single user for downloads. It's not swarm style like bittorrent. It's also a great resource for really rare / out of print stuff.
I used it without a vpn for years and never got a single nastygram from my ISP. I think I started with a beta release back around 2000 because I used to be cool like that.
How exotic! Haha
My $100 laptop is also the craptop! And my desktop running slackware is the slacktop.
I started with rockchip devices because I couldn't get a real rpi. I had no trouble getting help for anything I was trying to do.
Me too. I'm personally not going to stop using ddg because it's a losing battle. It won't be long before the next little search engine sells out.
Til lycos and Altavista still exist
I was messing around with sway for a while and started with this, which I found easy to grasp and very convenient.