Drag is being entirely serious. Drag believes AI is a vegan issue until the hard problem of consciousness is solved in a way that conclusively proves AIs are not capable of experience. We have as much trouble telling if animals like fish are capable of feeling pain as we do with AIs. Drag does not eat fish, and drag does not believe it is right to use AI until we have an answer. Drag thinks the answer might be that using AI is fine, but drag is not a gambler and drag would certainly not gamble with another being's life.
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Doesn't need to be a race to have racism against it. Racism can be against perceived race or racialised characteristics. Michael Jackson got his skin disorder racialised and suffered racism because of it. People accused him of trying to become white. Logic doesn't factor into racism.
Drag thinks there are probably people who are racist against Finns. Americans were taught to think white people are one race, but that's not what people in Europe believe. Drag looked it up on Wikipedia's List Of Ethnic Slurs and found two slurs against Finns. One invented by Americans and one invented by Russians.
Banning all Finns or all Congolese would both be racist.
Drag does not anthropomorphise anything! Drag resents that accusation. Drag has spoken with many otherkin who are entirely inhuman and still deserving of love and respect. Drag treats AI like those. Not like a human.