Some traits are inherent / congenital, historically these were used to judge and "cancel" people
Still are at times
Some traits are inherent / congenital, historically these were used to judge and "cancel" people
Still are at times
It's not the same thing.
Judging behaviour and actions is entirely different to judging people for who they are.
Vasectomy scar says no.
If your dad had hair like that I bet you're a grandfather yourself by now.
You're probably better off not knowing. This stuff never makes a person happy.
Either end of the scale is clear. Less clear in the middle 😞
Do you want evil ant armies? Because this is how you get evil ant armies.
This is America
Just change it up once in a while
That's what the memes are trying to achieve!
Let's make a list of all the ways Ukraine is different to Palestine.
We'll be here a while.
Oh really? I wonder if a religions have ever used gender to define what roles a person can have and who gets a platform?
I'm not sure if we're just definitely terms differently or you're lacking an understanding of history here.
The religious right has always given a voice to a small number of people and cancelled everyone else