As an enby, I'm going to choose petty spite and forget that we're born different
I got Breath of the Wild on release and I paid for the DLC years later. Gotta say I'm happy with it. There is a correct way to experience Hyrule, and it's on a motorcycle. No notes.
Boomers weren't children during WWII. Boomer means baby boomer, as in someone born during the baby boom. The baby boom happened after the war ended.
Hey, we still have plenty of ridiculous clowns. I hear Ricky Gervais' career is still going strong
Money can buy happiness, but happiness doesn't have a delivery service. You have to go pick it up yourself.
I hate it. It should be melted down for scrap
Flat earthers are easily radicalised into right wing belief like "The world is controlled by Jewish lizards" and "the election was stolen from Trump" and "the vaccine contains a bill gates microchip that makes you gay". And right wing conspiracy theorists will willingly spend their life savings on Alex Jones dick engorgement supplements while generating culture war controversy to draw political attention away from actual issues like climate change and worker's rights that may harm big business interests.
Think of it this way: in the mediaeval age, you armed your peasants with shields and spears and had them protect your keep. In the information age, you arm your peasants with conspiracy theories and twitter accounts and have them protect your untaxed billions.
Plus queer people are more likely to have international families due to the discrimination. Especially queer people from queerphobic countries like Saudi Arabia. This rule change is homophobic and racist.
Gavin Dunne.
Whoever first said explaining a joke makes it less funny was a big liar
They're introducing new rules about being in the same country?? Fuck, this news gets worse and worse.
The content of your message is right, but you're using the wrong terms. You're referring to middle class suburbanites as rich.