To be fair, some Warhammer writers also don't understand that they're writing satire. The Imperium lights it's spaceships with candles because they're too religious for common sense, and yet some claim only a fascist government is efficient enough to save humanity.
The Administratum is such a tangled and immense bureaucracy that entire planets are a rounding error to them. Their propaganda says this is because the Imperium is too big to manage efficiently. But the true reason is, fascists are bad at math
I loved the first half of Tyranny. You get to play as a bad guy. You're encouraged to be clever, calculating, to make important decisions that will affect the rest of the game. There's mysteries about, and power to be had, and though you have superficial allegiances, your actual boss is an enigmatic figure who wants you to vie for power. Your mentors warn you that others will try to control you, and that you should always be looking out for number one.
Unfortunately, halfway through there's a moment where you don't get to do that. A moment where the obvious decision to make in order to gain power, is blocked off. Where you cannot make the smart play. Where you have to act not in your own interest, not with cunning, nor deception, nor brute force, though any of those options were easily possible. The game simply doesn't give you those choices. Your only option is to do what a guy you allied with at the start of the game says. No double cross, no clever lie, no action and rationalisation of the thing you want, the thing that will give you power. You simply give up power that is nearly in the palm of your hands because a guy who thinks he's your boss but isn't, says so.
And now I hate that game.