AI is just a specific subset of algorithms, also not that new - first concept are from 1960 or so (from memory don't quote me) with perceptron. New is parallel computing power of modern chips - that allows for far better performance.
Ads is basically free money for broadcasters. And since greed is the main motivation - the dissension seems to be rather easy for them.
You understand that someone has to pay for that entertainment shit you use to kill your time with? You are literally shitting on people who are paying for you.
Stop supporting greedy bastards that are trying to push hard psychological manipulation down you throat, only for you to buy so shit no-one needs.
Sorry to disappoint you. So you are judgmental and somehow thin skinned - best combo.
Honestly I doubt that.
Not sure why I would lie, but feel free to not believe me. Maybe I'm just lucky, I had three macbook pros and the only problem I had was a battery dying on one, but it was close to where I needed a new one anyway. And I need my hardware to be reliable and the conditions I use it are rather suboptimal (live events). Never turned off on me or died during a gig. I had a windows machine from a venue once - it started updating 10 minutes before the gig.
Like I don't care about the brand, I have a cheap android phone because it gives me exactly what I need. Just happened that apple produces a device that fits my needs. If I ever see anything that fits my bill but is cheaper, I would take it in a second. I don't have any brand loyalty. Switched from olympus, to nikon to sony - if you into photography you will get it.
You are ok with people who repair macbooks but not with people who own macbooks, the plot thickens.
Love that you yourself used a youtube link. I find it very interesting how judgmental people almost always put themselves outside the measures they apply to other people.
Not the companies the users of their products.
Don't get people that upset by using microsoft or google products. It something about apple that makes people quite unhinged.
No? I care that I have reliable piece of hardware that is physical sturdy, that I don't have to inform myself on different hardware configurations before buying but just look at my budget and buy the one I can afford, I care about the way fonts are displayed, I care a lot about magsafe since it saved my laptop so many times, I care about the touch pad - since I even do 3d work with it and forgot how to use a mouse.
Why is it so difficult to understand that people have different priorities? Like I can see, how repair ability might be important for someone, not everyone is like me.
Also in more than a decade I didn't have to replace anything.
Since we have mail and text messages, robo alli g shlould be outlawed by Geneva Convention.